My old snap pliers are dead to me. I normally would donate something like this that wasn't broken and hadn't been used that much. In this case, I've decided not to inflict the frustration of using them onto an unsuspecting person just trying to score a good deal at the thrift store.
They are going in the garbage! I'm currently debating whether or not to hold some sort of destruction party before throwing them away.
For your own information and so you never accidently purchase these, they are Dritz brand and I bought them at JoAnn several years ago. They are difficult to use and the finished product isn't great in my opinion.
I'm not saying I blame them for the training pants flop, but they definitely didn't help. On that note, I have good news about my second attempt at training pants for Gabriel. More on that next time...
My Mom (and I) used a large old wooden thread spool and small metal dowel... oh and a small hammer. Worked real well.
@Sug, I've done it similar to that way too. Now I have a much better tool that I'm going to talk about in my next training pants post. :)
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